Cultivate Diversity at Work with These U-M Courses

Paper cutouts of people standing in the palm of a person's hands

Organizational Learning is offering a selection of diversity, equity and inclusion courses to equip individuals with the skills necessary to promote inclusiveness in the workplace and society at large. These courses promise a lasting impact on both your personal and professional life. 

LGBTQIA+: An Introduction to Inclusive Language

Language helps us acknowledge, respect and affirm the diversity at U-M. This course will discuss roadblocks and challenges some people face when using inclusive language and share strategies to make practicing easier.

Culture Change Foundations: Improving Workplace Climate

This foundational course will guide learners through the first step in embarking on a culture change journey. You'll learn to define culture, climate and how they are interrelated. In the end, you'll gain a better understanding of culture and climate to improve relationships with others in your workplace.

Understanding Privilege

Privilege is complex and can affect different people in different ways. This course will explore the nuances around privilege as it relates to diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace.

Introduction to Digital Accessibility 

In June 2022, U-M enacted an official policy about digital accessibility. Join this introductory course and gain a better understanding of digital accessibility and its impact on workplace culture, relationships and team dynamics.

Change It Up!

This course provides opportunities for participants to discuss and practice how to leverage bystander intervention skills within their campus communities. You will learn to develop your ability to assess which intervention option is based on the situation, identify self-awareness and social responsibility as qualities of strong personal leadership and more!

Leadership and Culture

Creating a Positive Work Environment

This foundational course provides managers with the tools and knowledge to lead a successful culture change journey within their team. You'll walk away with the tools to improve productivity and efficiency while fostering a healthy work-life balance and more.

This course is open to any U-M managers or supervisors who would like to learn how to make positive changes to their workplace climate and culture.

Strategies to Prevent Workplace Issues and Retaliation

This course gives leaders tools and strategies to create a more welcoming and respectful work environment. You'll leave with tools to help you create an environment that prevents wrongdoing and retaliation and more.

This course is open to U-M Leaders with at least one direct report who would like to create an environment where employees feel safe to express concerns, provide feedback and report complaints without fear of retaliation.

Even More Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Build a Culture that Thrives with the "Building a Culture That Thrives: Preventing Retaliation" online module for faculty and staff. This module provides information about preventing retaliation and protecting those who report improper behavior in support of the Protection from Retaliation policy.

Browse the full list of Culture Change programs and resources from Organizational Learning, including courses, webinars, events, book recommendations, articles and more.  

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