Saving for college is an important financial goal for many people. If you’re already putting enough away toward your retirement, start saving for your child’s future college education as soon as you can. Small contributions add up over time.
The Michigan Education Savings Program (MESP) can help you get started.
Register for a Free Live Webinar
To help you learn more about the MESP 529 college savings plan, you are invited to attend a free, live webinar exclusively for U-M faculty and staff.
Michigan Education Savings Program: Bright Futures Built in Michigan
- When: Thursday, September 22 at 12 p.m. EST
- Topics:
- What are 529 Plans?
- College costs and considerations
- How you can save with MESP
- Advantages of MESP
- Getting started with MESP
- What happens next?
- Register for this free webinar
View a list of other upcoming MESP webinars.