Active U Autumn Rules


To participate in Active U Autumn, you must be a current University of Michigan faculty or staff member, graduate or undergraduate student, retiree, alumni, or spouse/Other Qualified Adult (OQA) of an active faculty or staff member. You may participate on your own, or you may join/form a team.

Additional information on Accessing the MHealthy Portal:

  • If at any time an employee’s employment changes with the university, this may impact their ability and their spouse/OQA’s ability to access the MHealthy Portal and the Active U program. If this happens on or before September 30, email us at [email protected].
  • Newly hired benefits-eligible faculty and staff will gain access to the MHealthy Portal approximately 10 business days after they have elected their e-benefits online.  Their U-M benefits-enrolled spouse/other qualified adult will also gain access at this time.  

If you have any questions on eligibility, please contact U-M Shared Services Center at 734-615-2000.

Logging activity minutes

In Active U Autumn, you are asked to track your physical activity minutes for eight weeks, Sept. 16 – Nov. 10, 2024. Activity minutes are logged in the Active U Autumn tracker. Minutes can be logged manually or by syncing a tracking device or mobile app. It is recommended that you log your minutes on a weekly basis, but you are welcome to log more frequently. Please note that a week in the tracker runs Monday through Sunday.

Grace Period

You will have a 14-day grace period to log your activity minutes. The program ends on Nov. 10, but you will have up to Nov. 24 to log back two weeks. Please note that a week in the tracker runs Monday through Sunday.

Activity that "Counts"

Any moderate or vigorous activity counts towards Active U Autumn:.

  • Moderate intensity aerobic activity means working hard enough to raise your heart rate while still being able to carry on a conversation. Examples are a brisk walk, cycling at moderate speeds, mopping, or light manual yard work.
  • Vigorous intensity aerobic activity causes rapid breathing and a substantial increase in heart rate. Examples include jogging, heavy manual yard work, or aerobic fitness classes like Zumba or spinning.

For a list of recommended types of activities, visit the Sample Exercises page.

Completing Active U Autumn:

To successfully complete Active U Autumn, you must:

  1. Answer the Active U Autumn pre-survey questions (available when registration opens on September 3, 2024)
  2. Achieve your weekly activity goal minutes. Included in this is exercising at least 30 minutes a day, at least four days per week. The minimum weekly goal allowed in the program is 150 minutes.
  3. Achieve your weekly activity goal at least 6 out of the 8 Active U Autumn weeks.
  4. Answer the program survey questions (available starting October 23, 2024).