Jan Katz
Jan Katz is a renaissance woman.
In addition to her 20 years of service at U-M, most recently as a compliance officer for the U-M Prescription Drug Plan in the Benefits Office, she teaches Tai Chi at Sun Shen in Ann Arbor, studies Aikido in Windsor, sings baroque and classical choral works, serves as a volunteer literacy coach with the Family Learning Institute, is collaborating with a Native American shaman and master wilderness guide on a book about life in the wilderness, and, together with her husband Michel, is building an off-the-grid net-zero energy house near Traverse City where the couple plan to retire.
She's also a licensed wastewater treatment operator and organizational change leader with three cats (whom she has taught to sit patiently while she brushes their teeth), four fish, four children and seven grandchildren.
Literacy Volunteer
In 2006, Jan began giving back to the community as a literacy volunteer with the Family Learning Institute.
This year, after eight years of volunteering as a tutor working with young people to improve their literacy skills, she was named the Family Learning Institute Reading Coach of the Year. She says that her inspirations as a volunteer were her Aunt Kay and Uncle Ed Krahnke, who shared their love of reading through a literacy tutoring program in their community.
Over the years, Jan has encouraged her friends and coworkers to volunteer at FLI. Those who have taken up her challenge have expressed the same feeling as Jan does: gratitude in being able to share their love of reading with children.
Jan currently tutors two children in the FLI reading program.
She is planning to retire in August 2015 after 20 years in University Human Resources.