Alcohol Management Program For The Judicial System

The Alcohol Management Program (AMP) for the Judicial System provides education for first- time offenders who have been arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol or other alcohol related misdemeanors. This program will teach clients how to avoid the risks of alcohol impaired driving. With the client's permission, written follow-up is sent to the court or attorney as needed.

Clients learn the following abstinence strategies:

  • Self-monitoring (temptation management, tracking)
  • Managing the activators, behaviors and consequences of alcohol
  • Planning ahead for abstaining
  • Refusal skills
  • Developing alcohol-free activities and past-times
  • Finding ways to cope with stress without the use of alcohol

This program:

  • Is health education, not treatment
  • Is for first time offenders
  • Does not provide drug/alcohol testing
  • Does not provide driver's license restoration

How to get started

Call the Alcohol Management Program today at (734) 998-2017 for further information, or to have a free confidential phone screening with an Alcohol Management health educator.