
What is it?

Micro-consulting involves a short-term, targeted engagement designed to provide expert advice and recommendations to leaders of an initiative or team. Our consultants partner with you to assess your challenge and recommend one or more approaches to foster positive change in your unit.

What is the goal?

We aim to support your efforts to transform your culture, increase employee engagement, and build internal capacity to navigate change effectively.

What should I expect?

Our consultants may:

  • Partner as a sounding board or provide a quick checkpoint or to clarify next steps before, or during,  executing an initiative., in the midst of a project or to clarify next steps.
  • Troubleshoot challenges or issues faced at work and brainstorm/explore solution possibilities, such as:
    • Team learning, skill development
    • Team building, relationship building
    • Workplace conflict
    • Culture change
    • Strategic planning: mission, vision, values, goals
  • Provide recommendations for learning interventions
  • Identify strategies, tools and resources to support culture change and development of action plans/steps

How will my organization benefit?

  • Obtaining just-in time assistance, support, advice and counsel for workplace challenges and opportunities
  • Gaining support for a leader to shift from awareness to behavioral change and modeling
  • Encouraging commitment and accountability for successful transference/application of learning before/after learning interventions
  • Increased awareness of OL services


Cost: No cost to U-M units

Target Audience: Individuals leading an initiative or team, U-M faculty and/or staff only

Format: Video conferencing or phone

Initial Consultation Time: 45 minutes 

Scheduling: Complete the unit request form to request a meeting with a consultant

Out of Scope

  • Complex engagements that would exceed three months
  • Requests for a trainer, presenter, facilitator or the design/development of a unit-specific workshops or program