All university community members who become aware of or suspect wrongful conduct, or believe they have been the subject of retaliation, are encouraged to report their concerns or to seek guidance or help from one of the available university resources described below:
Compliance Information Resources (Non-Confidential)
Individuals may seek guidance about compliance with a university policy or an applicable federal, state or local law by:
Submitting a question via the Ethics, Integrity and Compliance website
Contacting a compliance specialist who works in the area relevant to a university community member’s concern —on the Topics and Contacts page of the Compliance website
Contacting the compliance coordinator in the Office of General Counsel, who can offer further guidance on the various resources and disclosure mechanisms
Local Resources (Non-Confidential)
Many issues can be promptly resolved locally (faculty, staff or student environments), including by applicable resources listed below:
Supervisor or higher level manager/administrator
Unit or school human resource officer
Principal investigator
School/College student services
University Central Office Resources (Non-Confidential)
Ann Arbor Campus including Michigan Medicine
For Students: The Dean of Students Office (DOS): (734) 764-7420
For Faculty: Academic Human Resources: (734) 763-8938
For Staff: Staff Human Resources: (734) 763-2387
For Michigan Medicine Staff: Michigan Medicine Human Resources: (734) 647-5538
Dearborn Campus
For Students: Center for Social Justice and Inclusion: (313) 583-6445
For Faculty and Staff: Human Resources: (313) 593-3568
Flint Campus
For Students: Dean of Students Office: (810) 762-5728
For Faculty and Staff: Human Resources: (810) 762-3150
Equity, Civil Rights and Title IX Office (Non-Confidential)
The Equity, Civil Rights and Title IX Office (“ECRT”) on each campus is responsible for providing supportive measures, advice, and guidance to university community members and, when appropriate or required, investigating:
Student sexual and gender-based misconduct issues
Sexual and gender-based misconduct issues involving faculty, staff, and third parties
Concerns of persons connected with the University of Michigan who believe they have experienced prohibited forms of discrimination and harassment
Retaliation regarding any of the above matters
University Central Offices (Confidential Resources)
Ann Arbor Campus including Michigan Medicine
Advocacy & Support:
For Students and Employees: Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center (SAPAC) (734) 764-7771, 24-hour crisis line (734) 936-3333.
For Students: Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS): (734) 764-8312 (includes 24 hour service)
For Student-Athletes: Michigan Athletics Counseling Team: (734) 647-9656
For Central Campus Faculty and Staff: Faculty and Staff Counseling and Consultation Office (FASCCO): (734) 936-8660
For Michigan Medicine Faculty and Staff: Michigan Medicine Office of Counseling and Workplace Resilience (OCWR): (734) 763-5409
For Students and Employees: Career and Education Counseling, Center for the Education of Women: (734) 764-6360
For Students: Ombuds: (734) 763-3545
For Faculty: Faculty Ombuds: (734) 763-2707
For Staff: Staff Ombuds: (734) 936-0600
University Health Service:
For Students: Wolverine Wellness Medical and Health Educators: (734) 763-1320
For Students and Employees: Sexual Assault Services at University Health Service (UHS). UHS provides medical services for those who have experienced sexual assault, including sexual assault medical exams conducted by a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) from Washtenaw County: (734) 764-8320
Dearborn Campus
For Students: UM-Dearborn Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS): (313) 593-5430
For Faculty and Staff: Faculty and Staff Counseling and Consultation Office (FASCCO): (734) 936-8660
For Students: Student Ombuds Services: (313) 593-5440
For Faculty: UM-Dearborn Faculty Ombuds: (313) 593-5240
Flint Campus
Complainant Support:
For Students: Center for Gender & Sexuality (CGS) (only the Sexual Assault Advocate is confidential): (810) 237-6648
For Students: Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS): (810) 762-34569
For Faculty and Staff: Faculty and Staff Counseling and Consultation Office (FASCCO): (734) 936-8660
For Faculty: Faculty Ombuds
Third-Party Anonymous Reporting Hotline
University community members may elect to report a concern via the university’s “hotline”. The university utilizes a third-party hotline provider, to assist the university by documenting concerns or reports of possible misconduct. The information provided is sent to the university anonymously, when the reporter chooses. Further information is available at the Report a Concern page of the Compliance hotline website or by calling toll free: 1-866-990-0111.